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Greystone At Schreiner University
April 5, 2005

For those highly motivated and talented students looking for a unique college-level challenge designed specifically to improve their competitiveness for qualification into a service academy, Hill Country students are now fortunate to have the newest program on the campus of Schreiner University. Greystone, as it is called, is a hybrid curriculum consisting of 36 credit hours of freshman academic courses, physical training and character development. The concept is designed and directed by David Bailey, who is a retired Navy Commander and Naval Academy graduate. Prior to his retirement, Bailey served as a professor in the Weapons and Systems Engineering Department at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.

During his 4-year tour at the Academy, he developed the program in his off-duty hours with the help and guidance of other Academy faculty, staff and alumni with the intention of creating a program that would not only prepare students morally, mentally and physically, it would also serve as a valuable back-up plan should this year at Greystone not deliver an academy appointment. According to Bailey, it was essential that the program work hand-in-glove with first-year academy courses (calculus, chemistry, English composition and American history). This core curriculum historically provides the most difficulty for students. Greystone students earn invaluable options by completing this program - they can choose to validate those courses they took while at Schreiner or they can simply re-take those courses for an improved grade. This "leg-up" during their first year will enable academy students to focus on their many other obligations - professional development, athletics and participation in extra-curricular activities.

The Greystone experience allows academy-bound students to maximize their opportunities as well as their options. For any student interested in attending a service academy, Greystone offers a customized program designed specifically to enhance the competitiveness of those seeking an appointment. Additional information can be obtained at or by calling Commander Bailey directly at 888-561-6924.

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