Campus Facilities The campus is a blend of colonial Georgian and modern architecture, its buildings include four residence halls, an apartment complex, a library, student activity center, welcome center, an auditorium, an athletic complex, an administration building, and four classroom buildings. Open and pleasing, the surroundings are quiet and the distractions few. Campus Bookstore The University Bookstore is the primary source on campus for textbooks and school supplies. The store also carries stationery, school novelties (sweatshirts, polo shirts, hats, mugs, etc.), paperback books, toiletries and snacks. Operating hours are Monday through Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Cailloux Campus Activity Center The Cailloux Campus Activity Center (CCAC) is the �living room'' of the campus and is open extended hours for use by students, staff and faculty. The CCAC houses a snack/sports bar, bookstore, mail center, aerobics room, fitness center, media center, recreation area, conference center and administrative offices for Student Services. Campus Chapel The University Chapel is located in the Griffin Welcome Center and is available for individual and group worship. During the academic year, weekly chapel services are led by the individuals and groups within the Campus Ministry Council under the direction of the Campus Minister. Library The William M. Logan Library's mission is to provide innovative information resources and services in support of the University's educational program. The library has over 85,000 volumes and subscribes to over 400 periodicals and newspapers. The library is arranged in open stacks enabling students to browse and make their own book selections. The facilities include reading and study areas, individual carrels, group study rooms, as well as photocopiers, microfilm reader/printers, and a multipurpose classroom equipped with a/v resources. Bibliographic information about the library's book collection is available via an on-line public access catalog. The library provides Internet access, full-text periodical and newspaper databases, and other electronic reference sources. The reference collection of 5,000 print volumes includes encyclopedias, bibliographies, atlases, periodical indexes, and other reference sources. Special collections include books and other materials about the history of the Hill Country and the University. Instruction in library research methodology and current research technology is provided for individuals and classes under the direction of professional librarians. The library's holdings are supplemented by participation in the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), a computerized international network of over 20,000 libraries, and by membership in the Council of Research and Academic Libraries, a library consortium for the San Antonio area and TexShare, a consortium of Texas college and university libraries. ATM Services Business Office - Tom Murray
Building , 1st
Floor Bulletin Boards Cailloux Campus Activities
Center - ( Cailloux
Center ) The Campus Minister is an ordained minister who provides pastoral care, emergency counseling, and helps students find outside assistance when needed. He and a seminary intern work closely with a student campus ministry team providing chapel services, informal Bible study, prayer groups, retreats, social activities, and service opportunities for the campus community. Computer Lab - Dickey Hall, 1st Floor Counseling Services - Cailloux Center
, 2nd Floor Fasken Learning Center
- Dickey Hall 1st Floor Financial Aid - Griffin Welcome
Center The Sodexho Food Service office is located in the Schreiner cafeteria. Patrons will find a wide range of menu choices including full hot meals, grill items, soup of the day, salad bar, deli sandwiches, desserts and drinks. The Corner Pocket is the campus snack bar located in the Cailloux Student Activity Center . All resident students with a meal plan also have a declining balance that can be used in either the Snack Bar or the cafeteria. Students on the Meal Plan must show their university ID upon entrance; all others pay at the door. Meals and declining balance are valid only during the contract board period. The declining balance will be carried over from fall to spring terms. Meals and declining balance are not applicable between terms. All remaining balances will be cleared at the end of the spring term. Free Speech Zone In an effort to provide opportunities for free speech and to preserve the academic order of the university, the Office of the Dean of Students has established the following procedures to provide for a free speech area. The free speech area is intended for campus community member use only (students, faculty, staff) and not for outside persons and/or agencies. University community members wishing to participate in the free speech
area must petition through the Office of the Dean of Students. The
Dean of Students will then notify Campus Security. Lost and Found - Cailloux Center
, 2nd Floor Mail Center
- Cailloux Center
2nd Floor Mail is normally sorted and ready for pick-up by 12:00 p.m. , Monday through Friday. Packages may be picked up when the Mail Center window is open. Mail Center Window hours are Monday - Friday, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Student Affairs Office - Cailloux Center, 2nd Floor
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