Residence Life Policies & Guidelines

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Part of the Greystone experience requires that each student leave home and live on the Schreiner campus. Living away from home forces each student to become completely responsible for their behavior and actions and will, therefore be held accountable for their behavior and actions. So long as students abide by the guidelines and policies that govern the Schreiner community, students will realize they have many freedoms and can participate in all campus programs and activities. As a Greystone student, you are expected to set the example for proper behavior and are expected to learn, study, work, play and live within the Schreiner governing framework.

Read these Schreiner University policies carefully as they apply to every Greystone student as well as her or his guests. If you have any questions about policies, please do not hesitate to contact a Residence Life staff member.

Bicycles may be stored outside each hall secured to a bike rack or in your room. Installation of bike hooks is considered damage to the room and is not permitted. Have identification numbers engraved on your bike.

Due to local and state fire codes, open flame/ember burning (incense & candles of any type, including those in glass chimneys or potpourri) is prohibited in campus housing.

Firearms, Explosives, and Other Weapons
Firearms (including paintball, pellet, BB, and dart guns), martial arts weapons, knives (other than pocket knives), explosives (including fireworks), hazardous chemicals or any other item used or displayed in a threatening manner may not be brought to or kept on campus. Discharge of a firearm on campus may result in immediate suspension. Those students who wish to bring hunting firearms to the university must store them with Campus Security.

Fire Safety Equipment
When a fire alarm sounds, all persons are required by law to evacuate the building. Students should familiarize themselves with the location of the exit nearest their room. Fire alarms, fire hoses, smoke detectors, and fire extinguishers are for emergency use only. Do not tamper with fire safety equipment in your room or in the living area.

Group Billing
When damages, excessive trash, theft of common area furniture, or vandalism occur in the residential living area, and the person(s) responsible cannot be identified, the following guidelines will be followed: The situation will be reported to the members of the hall, floor, or building. This group will have 72 hours from the time of notification to identify the responsible person(s). If the person(s) responsible can be identified, they will be personally charged for the costs incurred. If no person(s) can be identified, then the residents of the defined living unit (hall, floor, or building) will split the costs incurred equally. No charge will be less than $5.00 per resident.

Locked Out of Your Room
Students should exercise caution with their space and belongings. Doors should be locked, not propped, and keys carried with students at all times. If you are locked out of your room during the "on-duty" period ( 7pm to 7am ), contact the RA on duty. If you are locked out during the day, try to find any residence life staff member of that area or contact Campus Security. Staff will not let anyone into any room other than their own, regardless of reason. Do not ask them to open someone else's room.

Musical Instruments
Stereos, radios and musical instruments that do not disturb others may be played in the residential living areas. The volume of the music should not disturb other students, and quiet hours must be observed. Failure to comply will result in the removal and storage of the equipment or instrument for the remainder of the academic year.

Every student has the right to sleep and study without noise interference. Excessive noise is an infringement on your rights and is unacceptable. While it is the responsibility of everyone to control noise, it is also the responsibility of those affected by the noise to ask the offending person or people to be quieter. If this approach does not succeed, contact an RA or RD in your building. The staff member will ensure that you have tried to resolve the issue yourself before she/he addressed the issue.
Please remember that Courtesy Hours are in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Noise that is disturbing to others at any time of day or night is inappropriate.

Parties and Gatherings
Small parties or gatherings are allowed in campus housing under the following guidelines: A gathering should not exceed eight (8) people in a single or double or twelve (12) people in a Pecan Grove unit. Common areas may be reserved through the RD for any gathering exceeding these limits. Persons having parties/gatherings are responsible for their guests' behavior. All use of alcohol at parties/gatherings comes under the guidelines of the Alcohol Policy.

No pets are permitted in student housing. The only exception is fish in an aquarium no larger than 10 gallons. Students are responsible for the care of fish over vacations and holidays. Any other pet found in a student residence hall room will result in a minimum of immediate removal of the animal(s) and $100 fine per animal. Additional judicial sanctions may possibly be imposed.

Roofs and Fire Escapes
Roofs are off-limits at all times for safety reasons. Fire escapes are off-limits unless fire is preventing an escape from the building.

Room Entry
The university recognizes residents' right to privacy but maintains the right for its authorized personnel to enter residents' premises for the following reasons: (1) without notice in an emergency involving danger to life or property; (2) upon notice for the purpose of health and safety inspections; (3) for routine and immediate maintenance; (4) without notice when a condition is observed that is prohibited by University or Residence Life regulations; and (5) when it is reasonably suspected that a Resident is using the assigned space in a manner contrary to the provisions of University or Residence Life policies.

Routine maintenance/safety inspections of the rooms/units will be conducted periodically. Students will be given an advance written notice of exact date(s) whenever possible.

Sales and Solicitation
The Director of Residence Life and the Resident Director of the area must give advance approval for all sales, solicitation, canvassing, and product or service exhibits in campus housing. All persons on university property may be required to identify themselves to university officials. If you encounter solicitors or suspicious behavior, call a Residence Life staff member or Campus Security immediately.

Smoke Detectors
All rental dwellings must be equipped with operable smoke detectors. Each room shall contain one regularly inspected smoke detector. Do not tamper with smoke detectors. Judicial action may be taken for tampering with fire safety equipment.

No smoking is permitted anywhere in campus housing including student rooms and apartments. Ashtrays are available outside main entrances of many buildings on campus, so please extinguish cigarette butts in appropriate receptacles. Cigarette butts found in/around the grounds of campus housing is considered trash.

Sodexho Dishes
The removal of plates, cups, bowls, and/or utensils from the cafeteria is prohibited. You may be fined for having cafeteria dishes outside of the cafeteria. Sodexho will make disposable utensils and plates available to individual students who are sick or have commitments that do not allow them to eat in the cafeteria. Dishes taken out of the cafeteria not only cause an increase in the cost of room and board, but also create health hazards and are an eyesore for residents and visitors alike.

Sports in Halls or Rooms
Throwing, kicking, or bouncing objects (Frisbee, soccer balls, basketballs, darts, etc.) or excessive physical activity without throwing objects (running, wrestling) is prohibited in the residence halls, study lounges, hallways, and rooms. Do not roller blade or ride your bike in the hall. Dartboards and darts are not permitted in student housing. In Pecan Grove, such activity must take place in the quad and away from buildings.

Thefts, Valuables, Insurance
Always lock your room door when you leave the room. University staff will assist residents who are locked out of their room. They will not allow entry to a room not assigned to a student. Schreiner University does not carry insurance on personal possessions of students. Residents who own valuables should lock them in a safe place or leave them at home. It is recommended that Schreiner residents insure their personal property either by their parents' homeowner's insurance policy or by purchasing personal property insurance. Schreiner University does not assume responsibility for lost, damaged, or destroyed personal property. Always keep the doors and windows to your room locked. Promptly report any unusual or suspicious behavior, doors or windows not locking properly, or lost or stolen keys to your Resident Assistant or Resident Director. Students are encouraged to immediately report all losses and thefts, regardless of size or value, to Residence Life staff and to
Campus Security.

Students are responsible for disposing of their trash in dumpsters or designated trash receptacles placed around residential areas. Trash may not sit outside of rooms or units, on balconies, or on porches. Trash sitting outside may result in residents being fined or sanctioned. Litter or trash around a living area (ex: quad, parking lot, porches, balconies, laundry room, common areas) may initiate the group billing process.

Vacation Periods
During official university vacations, the residence halls will be closed and Pecan Grove will remain open. The meal plans will not operate during university vacations. Please refer to the Housing Agreement for details regarding vacation periods.

Windows and Screens
Ejecting objects from windows or ledges is extremely hazardous and is therefore prohibited. Students should also exercise extreme care around the halls/windows when participating in sports/activities such as football, Frisbee, soccer, etc. to not cause damage to property. Signs, posters, aluminum foil or other materials or objects may not be posted in windows. Screens must remain on windows at all times. If screens are found removed from windows, in disrepair (ex: bent, broken, or torn), or missing completely, residents of the room will be subject to fine and other disciplinary sanction.

Greystone Preparatory School | Copyright © 2004