Welcome to Greystone!

Is it your dream to attend one of the five federal service academies and serve your country as a military leader? If so, are you a high school student or recent graduate considering an academy? Are you currently in the academy application process and looking for a back-up plan just in case you are turned down? Have you applied to an academy, been turned down and are now searching for your Plan B? Are you an academy foundation sponsored candidate searching for an approved academy prep program? If you see yourself in one of the situations above, the Greystone experience has helped many others just like you earn their academy appointments.

Every year, thousands of high school and college students apply to West Point, Annapolis, the Air Force Academy, the Coast Guard Academy or the Merchant Marine Academy and every year, the vast majority of these high quality candidates are turned down for one or more reasons. Perhaps their GPA, Class Standing or SAT/ACT scores were not quite high enough. Perhaps their CFA or PRT score was low or they lacked the right sports involvement, extracurricular activities or leadership experience. Perhaps they came from a small high school or maybe a rural town and had to compete with candidates who came from �preferred� big city schools. Perhaps they lived in a highly competitive congressional district or state, and because there were so many equally well-qualified candidates, they did not receive a nomination. Perhaps they could not find the expertise they required to perfect their nomination and appointment applications.

Clearly, there are many variables within the application process and many personal attributes that must be considered to determine who earns an appointment and who does not. However, if you feel in your heart and soul that earning your academy appointment is part of your future � your dream � you must seriously consider all opportunities available and select a program that will enhance as many of your variables and attributes as possible. The goal is to identify a program that will empower you to not just survive; the goal is to invest yourself completely in a program that will enable you to excel so that you will maximize your entire academy experience!

So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.  ~ Christopher Reeve

If you are committed to your dream of earning your academy appointment, dedicated to the task of improving your academic variables and athletic attributes as a candidate, and tenacious in your ambition to serve your country as an academy graduate and commissioned military officer, you belong at Greystone.

Unlike traditional academy preparatory education, Greystone is a challenging one-year college-level program located on the campus of Schreiner University in Kerrville, Texas. You will earn up to 36 college credits in demanding courses such as Calculus, Chemistry, English and History � courses recommended by the academies but most importantly, courses in-sync with your academy 1st year courses. Experience in college-level courses not only improves and strengthens your intellectual faculties, it demonstrates your true scholastic capabilities and minimizes past academic weaknesses making you more competitive. You will also learn critical time-management skills, hone your decision-making abilities, and master the fine art of setting and sticking with priorities.

Your physical abilities will be improved through a rigorous daily fitness program and Schreiner athletic competition making you ready to engage the physical challenges of your academy indoctrination.

Through our unique Character Development and Leadership Program, you will be introduced to the fundamental leadership, ethics and moral concepts that establish the foundation upon which all academies are built and all officers must master to be effective as a leader in the air, on the field or in the fleet. The program empowers students to write their own Honor Code/Concept as well as their own Standards of Performance. Personal experience in character refines your natural leadership abilities and further prepares you to make a seamless transition into the academy lifestyle.

Faculty and staff from all five of the Federal Service Academies as well as concerned academy graduates seeking to redefine the benefits of and standards for academy preparatory education worked diligently for 6 years to create the Greystone model. The experience students receive at Greystone is designed to elevate the academic, athletic and character/leadership attributes from the high school level to the academy level while providing a significant safety net should you not receive your appointment. Earning 36 transferable college credits essentially satisfies the academic requirements for your college freshman year which provides you with options and opportunities � to continue your academy appointment for another year or continue your college education as a sophomore.

Greystone is approved by the Naval Academy Foundation for their sponsored students. Of those programs approved by the Foundation, Greystone is the only program entirely at the college level. Unlike many other academy programs, Greystone welcomes all competitive candidates meeting Schreiner admissions criteria � Foundation sponsored and non-Foundation sponsored (free agents) � who are committed to earning their academy appointment.

As you navigate your way toward your appointment, you will not make this trek alone. As a Greystone student, you are also a full-time Schreiner University student and have access to all university faculty and staff as well as campus activities and facilities. As a Greystone student, you will receive individualized mentoring and instruction as you progress through your nomination and appointment paperwork. The Greystone staff that will oversee each step of your progress to ensure what you are doing is on-track with what the academies need from the highest qualified candidate. Because of your shared ambitions, you will develop a unique bond between your Greystone classmates that will support your efforts and carryover to the academy. Teamwork, esprit de corps, and your own perseverance will empower you to overcome the obstacles currently blocking your path to the academy and beyond. We are here to help you succeed�working together to unleash your full potential.

Your problem is to bridge the gap which exists between where you are now and the goal you intend to reach.  ~ Earl Nightingale

Greystone is that bridge between high school and your first year at a federal service academy. You will cross over stronger, more confident in your abilities and more prepared to maximize your academy experience.

Please feel free to contact the Executive Director, Commander David Bailey, USN (Ret), at 1-888-561-6924 or at [email protected].

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams!  Live the life you've imagined.  ~ Henry David Thoreau